Dear Moomin:
Jesus said he would return to us as the 'son of man'. Also he said he would return in the same 'manner' as he left. He left as a human. The phrase 'son of man', means: The son of an earthly man. Also the Christ would battle the governments at the battle of Armaggedon, with the sword protruding from his mouth. In Is. 11:4b it says..."And he must strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; and with the spirit of his lips he will put the wicked one to death." So, Jesus speaks, during his ride during the great tribulation.. How could an invisible Jesus take on the government, with words? When I study the prophesies about the 'time of the end' in Daniel and Rev. etc., they seem to be taking place in the US. Jesus would have to start somewhere, if he were a human, right.. Since most entertainment, (movies, books, and television shows, etc) comes from US... and the US has also been the world power, it seems like the place where Jesus could be the most influencial.. on the world..
Jesus would return 'exactly as a thief in the night'. The thing about a thief is that it's a sneeky return, and he wouldn't want to be identified or known to be the Christ... like a thief, (in secret).
All I can say, is I've studied him and he seems to fit the bill to me.